The Office- Service in Frankfurt am Main

Do you smile when walking into the Office?
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Virtelles Büro

Full Service

You are travelling constantly and you need a full-fledged office to back you up or simply a base of operations? Or are you still early in your career as an entrepreneur or professional and you simply do not wish to have your own office and staff (yet)? Then we can offer you the ideal and truly cost-effective solution for what you are seeking: Your own office with your own address and a full range of services from one source. We will handle your mail and secretarial duties, answer your phone, and even offer your visitors a cup of tea, should you be delayed a few minutes to your appointment. And perhaps the best part of all: We'll greet you with a friendly smile every time you walk into your office!

Your advantages:

You can have your very own office in Frankfurt, all at a reasonable cost and fully appointed. You simply move in and you're ready to go. At mainoffice you'll find an atmosphere conducive to work and truly dedicated staff that take a great sense of ownership towards your tasks and fully identify with your company.

By the way: It's totally up to you how long you decide to take advantage of the no-hassle full-range service at mainoffice. We are happy to be flexible to your needs, even in the term of our lease contracts.

Full Service

Büros mit 1-2 Arbeitsplätzen
Ansprechend und modern  ausgestattet
24 Stunden Zugang
flexible Mietzeit
sofort bezugsfertig
Nutzung von Fax, Kopierer, Drucker und Scanner
Empfangsservice und Besucherbetreuung
incl. Nutzung des Besprechungsraumes (2 Stunden pro Monat)
Gute Erreichbarkeit, verkehrsgünstige Lage
Eigenes Firmenschild am Eingang
Annahme von Postsendungen
Weiterleitung Postsendungen
Annahme von Warensendungen
Weiterleitung von Warensendungen
eigene Rufnummer
Anrufannahme mit Ihrem eigenen Firmennamen
Weiterleitung von Telefonnotizen per E-Mail
direkte Vermittlung der Telefonate
Persönliche Mailbox
Echtzeit Weiterleitung Mailbox-Anrufe als WAV-Datei
professionelles Sekretariat
Allgemeine Sekretariatsarbeiten
Postbearbeitung, Botengänge etc.
Textverarbeitung deutsch/english
Textverarbeitung fremdsprachig